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Kekova Sunken City Boat Trip

Kalkan - Kekova



Times: 09:00 to 18:00  ( Wed – Fri – Sun )

Enjoy a fun day combining ancient history with lots of relaxing and swimming .See the sunken ancient city from a boat, visit the Simena Castle and enjoy the crystal clear turquoise waters of the bays around Kekova .


- Kekova Boat Trip :

We collect you from your accommodation around 09:00 for the 60 minutes bus journey drive to the village of Üçağız.

Our boat leaves around 10:30 sailing of to your first stop Aquarium Bay where you will have around 30 minutes to swim.  Moving on to your second stop Shipyard Bay where ships were built during Lycian times. You will also have around 30 minutes to swim at the Shipyard bay ( get them snorkels out and swim over the outskirts of the bay where you might find some underwater ruins ).

You will then be shown the Sunken City by boat and be given the history by your tour guide .

Lunch will be served on the boat on Gökkaya Bay. A yummy bbq and a wide selection of traditional Turkish mezes.Also giving you time for a swim .Next stop Hamidiye Bay, known for it’s history. Depending on weather conditions the captain might take you to the pirates cave where the front of the boat goes inside for you to take photos .

Before the final stop we take you to Kaleköy, location of the Simena Castle. You will have one hour free time, during which you can walk up to the castle and see the amazing view of KEKOVA ( there is a entrance fee ). Or walk around the island taking in lovely views ( Try out there famous homemade ice cream )

Stopping of one more stop for a swim before heading back to the harbour and 60 minutes drive back to Kalkan , where you will be dropped of back at your accommodation .

Price Includes
Tour Guide
Not Included In The Price
Entrance Fees
Extra Activities

Tour Program

*5 Different Bays for swimming *Sunken City (Guided Information) *Pirate Cave *Simena Village


Customer Review

Maria Serenson

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